Let’s start 2010 with Choi Ji-Hyang if you don’d mind ;) She looks very cute in this set wearing white pant and red top, I like her shoes as well. I also would like to wish all of you a great and excellent 2010, let’s wish for always more Racing Girls ;)
Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 1, 2010
Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 1, 2010
Shizuka Nakamura
Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 1, 2010
Setback for IdolRetouch, with Hwang In Ji (황인지)
Been pretty busy at work lately; but the real reason for not posting for a while is that my hard disk (with all the photos collected for the Korean Model Rankings Countdown in it) is kaput. Wiped out in one sweep of bad luck and er, can you say mechanical failure?
The bad news is that I did not back up the files for a staggering 4-6 months at least.
Previous downloads, video recordings and arguably the saddest and damnest thing is that my latest 3 working files on Hwang Mi Hee, are all gone; just like that. (reminded me of Kevin Spacey in the Usual Suspects somehow)... Sigh...
The good news is that I still have backups, at least... So I can continue the countdown, though with much less pictures to upload... So apologies.
Anyways, here is the ever sexy veteran KRQ Hwang In Ji (황인지) to cheer me up at least ;)
Enjoy all; and don't ever, ever forget to do your backups!!! Even it means investing in cloud computing!
Lesson learnt here!

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